Your first acupuncture visit...
Please arrive early on the day of your appointment. Each patient is allotted a certain amount of time for their visit. By being on time, you will get the most benefit out of your treatment.
Your first visit will last about 1.5 hours. During this time, a thorough medical history will be taken, and you and your practitioner will discuss the goals of your treatments. A treatment strategy and plan will be discussed and you will be treated using one or more modalities appropriate for your condition. Each follow up visit will last about an hour.
*** Please complete your online patient profile prior to your appointment for quicker service. There will be additional consent forms for you to sign in person as well. ***
Things to consider on the day of your appointment:
– Do not brush your tongue as we will use your tongue for part of the diagnoses.
– Make sure you eat something before your appointment.
– Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing.
– Arrive 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork on your first visit.
– Plan to relax and drink a lot of water after your treatment.
What to expect after your treatment:
You may feel relaxed or very mellow after an acupuncture treatment. Some of us call this state “acu-land” or “acu-zone”. It is normal and you should take it easy afterwards. Sometimes soreness or achiness may be felt around the acupuncture sites, this is also normal and will dissipate over a day or two. Since acupuncture has an accumulative effect, depending on your constitution, severity of your condition, and the length of time you had your condition, it may take a varying amount of time to treat. Some patients may experience an improvement right after the first treatment while others may see changes after a few treatments. Most conditions will require a course of 6-10 treatments to treat. Always discuss your concerns with your practitioner. Your practitioner is there to help and to work with you.